Tips For Cleaning Out Your Garage

Work Tools on a Woodwork bench in a Garage

Is your garage so packed you can barely fit your vehicle inside? In just a few days you can declutter your space and have your garage organized and looking brand new. We have a few tips for you if you are ready to clean your garage out this weekend.

Empty It Out

The first step you will want to do when cleaning out your garage is to take every single item out. We know that sounds like a lot of work, but we promise you this will make it much easier. By being able to see every item that was in your garage you will be able to determine how you can organize them.

Think About What You Want To Keep

It is important to set ground rules when deciding about what you want to keep. If you have items in your garage you haven’t used in the past year and are broken, toss them out!

Get Rid Of The Clutter

Getting rid of the things you don’t need doesn’t have to be hard. Simply decide what you can donate, what you can sell, and what you can throw away. You will feel a sense of relief when you say good riddance to the clutter that has been holding you back all this time.

Deep Clean

Now that you have your garage cleaned out, it is the perfect time to scrub it clean before putting your items back. Remember to start from top to bottom when cleaning. Remove any stains, wipe away mold and dust, and then use a flat-head mop to dry the walls and a floor fan to dry your floors for a quicker dry time.

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Time To Organize

Once everything is sparkly clean, it is time to organize all the items that you are wanting to keep. Shelves, cabinets, pegboards, and hooks are a great way to organize. This will make finding things so much easier in the future.

Cleaning your garage may sound like such a drag, but if you follow these tips it will be an easy task you will be proud you did.

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