Tips To Staying Cool In The Texas Heat

sporty young woman drinking water

sporty young woman drinking water

As vacations end and schools go back into session, the summer season may be coming to a close, but the Texas heat is here to stay. Not only will the high temperatures leave you miserably sweaty and couped up in your home, but they can also lead to danger, including dehydration, passing out, and heat strokes. Stay in the cool zone with these tips!

Take Cold Showers

After being out in the heat, the last thing you want to do is hop in a hot and steamy shower. Cold showers are refreshing, and once you get out of the shower, you will be refreshed, rather than back in a sweat.

Hydrate, Then Hydrate Again!

You can never drink enough water, and that’s especially true during the hot months. When you are dehydrated, you will find yourself sweating even more, which dilutes your body of water more. When partaking in physical activity, be sure to drink water before, during, and after. Heat strokes are real, especially in Texas, so do yourself a favor by drinking plenty of water, and restoring your body with electrolytes from sports drinks when needed.

Use Ice To Cool Your Space

If your air conditioning unit isn’t doing the trick, simply use large ice cubes to cool off your room. Whether you have a large block of ice on hand, or there is bunched ice in your freezer, put it on a baking sheet or dish, and the cooling effect will begin.

Be Smart With Your Engery Usage

Large appliances in your home give off heat, so do bigger loads of laundry and only run the dishwasher when it is full. When you do use them, make sure it’s earlier in the day or in the evening because these are the cooler times of the day.

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Ceiling Fans are Your Friend

While ceiling fans don’t necessarily cool off a room, they give off a wind-chill effect, which is quite soothing while sleeping or sitting in a room. When you do run your ceiling fan, run it in a counterclockwise motion, which should make it feel four to seven degrees cooler than it actually is.

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